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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Motion to Rename Columbus Day Fails to Pass

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– After weeks of controversy, the Baltimore City Council votes to strike down a bill that would rename Columbus Day.

Critics of the holiday say it honors a shameful historical figure and promise to keep fighting it in the future.

Those who supported the bill say they are not giving up. Saying they may have lost the battle but the name-war is just getting started.

Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer with his own holiday and parade died hundreds of years ago, but the controversy over what he represents lives on.



  1. So when can we ban libtard progressive morons called democrats?. Since they are evil, vile, racist, ignorant, communist, pig vomit. Incapable of resonable thought, fiscal responsibility and common sense. They lack any brains cells to understand the freedom afforded us in the constituion. So willing to stiffle any thoughts except their own narrow minded ignorance

  2. Look in the mirror.

  3. The Baltimorons have more serious topics to discuss in their city than renaming a holiday.

  4. Blame Columbus, right, while the Baltimore murder rate goes through the roof. Incredible!!

  5. When are these idiots going to leave well enough alone? Have they nothing better to do?

  6. Ok,that's fine. So I will not accept a Tubman 5$ bill from anyone, even the bank, because it's my belief that all history should be kicked to the curb.


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