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Monday, December 05, 2016

More Private College Presidents Top $2M In Pay, Study Finds

BOSTON (AP) — Presidents of eight private colleges in the U.S. were paid more than $2 million in 2014, the most ever to hit that mark, according to a new study.

They join a total of 39 chiefs who made more than $1 million that year, passing the previous high of 32 the year before, according to new annual rankings released Sunday by the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Overall, pay across the industry has continued to climb. For presidents of private colleges who worked in 2013 and 2014, average yearly pay rose by 8.6 percent, to $513,000.

Topping the list was Jack Varsalona, president of the 15,000-student Wilmington University, in Delaware, whose salary and benefits totaled $5.4 million.



  1. I wonder if Soros and his cronies are backing these college presidents and buying them off to teach liberal agenda to the young college kids to soak up all the BS. Sure seems fishy, these colleges get tax credits, endowments out the butt, and all this money they rake in. It sounds like something else is going on.

  2. These people are no different than the CEO of a major company. They deal with multi million dollar budgets, Boards of Directors, HR, construction projects, etc. How many of us could do that. Most people I know can barely manage to run their own lives let alone a business the size of a large university. RJ Reynolds CEO made $13 million and all they do is make a product that kills you.

  3. Why is there such a pay difference in those that teach college vs those that teach K-12?

  4. 6:04 PM boy are you misinformed. They hire people to do those things.

  5. 6:09
    These salaries are the Presidents of the schools. They are not teaching classes. There are many factors that drive salaries. Education level and location are usually a the top. I know K-12 teachers that make 2 times what a professor at SU makes but they don't teach here. The eastern shore has never place a high value on education and teacher salaries are not that great compared to wealthier areas. The comments on the blog reflect the disdain for education yet most people complain why there are no good jobs that pay decent wages.

  6. 6:12 How many fortune 500 companies have you worked for in a management capacity? None, I thought so. Please stick to sports and the farmers almanac.

  7. These are PRIVATE colleges. Don't like the pay structure? Don't send your kids there.


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