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Saturday, December 03, 2016

Mike Rowe wonders why we give federal money to colleges who refuse to fly the American flag

The Facebook page of former host of Dirty Jobs Mike Rowe is always an interesting place to stop by for solid opinions and “folksy wisdom,” as one Daily Dot writer put it. As he was posting his latest episode of “Hot Under the Blue Collar,” Rowe wanted to wonder out loud — or in text as it were — about something interesting he had seen while channel surfing.

As he was flipping through the channels, he came across images of college students burning the American flag, and making remarks about how Old Glory made some of them “fearful,” and others “disgusted.” He then recalled how President of Hampshire University Jonathan Lash had recently taken down the American flag because students expressed “fear and discomfort.”

“Removing the flag permanently from our campus will better enable us to focus our efforts on addressing racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors,” explained Lash in a statement on the University’s Facebook page.



  1. Really something to think about!

  2. Trump is right...protect our flag or get the puck out of our country!

  3. Time to drain the swamps of liberal professors at these colleges.

  4. Whatever happened to efforts to TEACH students something that might help them land a job?

  5. Every since the sixties the public education system has been brain washing our kids with secular humanism. That is why you saw such an increase in Christian and Private schools. Especially Christian parents did not want this taught to their children. So they sacrificed and paid tuition for a Christian education.These kids got a better education of the basics and no secular humanism brain washing. Most of the time they tested two grades ahead of kids in public school. Also I know several that got good jobs because they were so much smarter than the kids in public school. I'm talking some went on to be doctors and such. Funny how that works when the object of public school is to dumb down our society. Just look at these college kids today they don't have a clue. Enough Said.

  6. Mike Rowe , is the man.

  7. I think they need some real fear and discomfort


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