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Friday, December 09, 2016

Michelle Obama Breaks Her Silence About Trump Victory

Nearly a month after the election has come and gone and Trump was crowned the President-elect, Michelle Obama is coming out and telling us her thoughts and actions on the night she learned her candidate lost.

According to Daily Mail:

Unlike many of her friends, apparently, Michelle Obama didn’t lose any sleep that night. She revealed in an interview with People magazine that she did with her husband that she didn’t stay up to even hear the election results.

‘I went to bed. I don’t like to watch the political discourse; I never have. I barely did with him,’ Mrs Obama said, sending the president into a fit of laughter.

After the Obamas had campaigned so hard and so focused for Hillary Clinton in the race, they have admitted that after their loss they are now focused on just doing their best to make the transition to a Republican White house as bumpy free as possible.

‘Anything that I felt about the election I said and I stand by,’ Mrs Obama said. ‘Once you do what you can do, then the rest is easy. It was in the hands of the American people.’



  1. She didn't lose sleep over things ahe had no control over after having done her part. Too bad many of us don't have that maturity. We might be a little less hostile towards others who don't share our opinions.

  2. She is going to miss all the vacations at our expense and of course the lovely parties at the white house with all of the lobster

  3. It was in the hands of GOD , he led the American people.

  4. WHO CARES what Moochell says? Not me.

  5. The Obama's are some of the most decent people we have had in the white house in my lifetime.


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