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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Meet Faith Spotted Eagle, who received one Washington elector’s presidential vote

The Yankton Sioux Tribe member has been a prolific opponent of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.

Faith Spotted Eagle was the choice of one Washington state elector on Monday to be the next president of the United States.

Eight of our state’s 12 Democratic electors voted for Hillary Clinton, in accordance with the popular vote, but four others did not. Three voted for former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and one for Faith Spotted Eagle, a Native American elder from South Dakota.

So, who is she?

Faith Spotted Eagle has been a vocal opponent of major oil-pipeline projects in North America, including the Keystone XL pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Speaking to CNN earlier this year at the Standing Rock Sioux camp near the intended Dakota Access Pipelinepath, the elder said the fight over the North Dakota land would be “a battle that’s not going to stop.”

“I think it’s a rebirth of a nation, and I think that all of these young people here dream that one day they would live in a camp like this, because they heard the old people telling the stories of living along the river,” she said. “… They’re living the dream.”

Running a pipeline through Native Americans’ sacred lands is no different than if one were built through Arlington National Cemetery, she told CNN. “You don’t disturb people that have been put to rest.”



  1. Where is the outrage of the will of the people being thwarted?

    The four renegades are disgraceful, and I despise Clinton.

  2. Obama will grant her woman of the year just as he did with Jane Fonda. And remember when Whitney Houston died from a drug overdose he ordered flags flown at half-staff.

  3. Ms. Spotted Eagle did not run for the POTUS position.
    Why would an elector vote for someone who did not run?
    Ditto for Mr. Colin Powell (liar, liar, pants on fire)

  4. There is a lot of mental disease in this country


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