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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Media Humiliated Again: Hillary (Not Trump) Breaks 'Faithless Elector' Record

You have to wonder what it will take for America's national media to slow down long enough to search whatever has been put in place of their soul. Because here they sit, once again after an extended and coordinated partisan campaign, not just in the losing column, not just on the wrong side of history, but utterly and completely humiliated by Reality.

Let's face it, we all know what CNNMSNBCABCNBCPBSCNSNPRWashingtonPostNewYorkTimesPolitico have been up to for the last two weeks. After shrieking throughout all of October and straight through to Election Night that, for the good of democracy, Donald Trump and his "racist" supporters would have to accept their coming loss like grown-ups, our media had been on a propaganda rampage to convince Electors to stage a coup and steal the presidency from Trump.


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