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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Md. officials want to test driverless cars on Interstate 95

HANOVER, Md. (AP) — Driverless cars could be coming to Interstate 95 if Maryland transportation officials have their way.

The Maryland Department of Transportation announced Wednesday that it has asked the federal Transportation Department to use the I-95 corridor to test autonomous vehicles.

Federal officials are looking for several “proving grounds” around the country for self-driving cars. Maryland officials have suggested using I-95 between the University of Maryland to the south and Aberdeen Proving Ground to the north.

The first group of testing areas for driverless cars will be announced in early 2017. If Maryland is chosen, the earliest I-95 would see driverless cars would be 2018.


  1. Ooh, that should be interesting

  2. Idiotic, how about curing Alzheimer's instead.

  3. I would rather drive beside someone with Alzheimer's than no driver.

  4. Cannot be worse than the human drivers on 95!

  5. Can't be any worse than the people on 50 and Sixty Foot rd.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 22, 2016 at 5:50 PM

    I would bet that Driverless Car on I-95 would not make it home by driving the speed limit. It would get rear ended and smashed by the other speeding drivers. Might get crashed into a ditch and wheels stolen before the cops get to it. Its a rough ride on I-95 Highway of Hell, better be prepared.

  7. Let the officials ride along and evaluate first hand.

  8. Come on...plenty of EMPTY roads/interstate west of the Mississippi, Like TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, Desert portion of California...


  9. Testing driverless cars puts us all at risk.

  10. 5:14, THAT'S where it needs to be tested! Run it through that intersection a thousand times!

  11. No way driverless cars shpuld be on 95..unless they require you to only use the driverless mode on 95..the way people drive on there it's insane scares me to death when I go to bmore.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Come on...plenty of EMPTY roads/interstate west of the Mississippi, Like TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, Desert portion of California...


    December 22, 2016 at 6:04 PM

    One of the reasons for testing is to see how driverless cars do IN TRAFFIC. Like a couple of people have said, indirectly, the driverless cars will be the safest out there. And if they get rear-ended, run off the road etc., it will be the other drivers driving illegally that caused it, and hopefully, they will be the only ones to get hurt.

    I wonder if the recent 68 car pile up on 95 recently could have been avoided if they had been driverless cars with air temps sensors, ice sensing capabilities onboard etc.

    These types of vehicles have been around a while. Now they have big trucks being tested. There will always be someone in these cars, except maybe taxis, uber and such. Likewise, until they can open trailer doors and back a truck in, there will always be someone needed to do those functions of truck drivers.

  13. I don't think this is a good idea. The people that drive on 95 are already nuts enough. If something would go wrong this could end up very very bad. One wrong move and you have a major accident.


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