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Friday, December 09, 2016

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan: Mike Pence 'one of my closest friends' among governors

Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday he has a close relationship with Vice President-Elect Mike Pence and already spent nearly two hours discussing his hopes and concerns about the new administration.

The conversation took place at the Republican Governors Association meeting in Florida, Hogan said. It included Pence, the governor of Indiana, and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey on the week after the election.

"Mike Pence and Chris Christie are probably the two guys I'm closest to among the Republican governors," Hogan said Wednesday.



  1. Dave T: Well Larry, if you like Mr. Pence so much how about trying to start acting like him ? His ideas on the second amendment sure are better than yours !

  2. Hogan. How come you agree with Pence and not Trump? I'm considering running against you next election. My platform will be 1 issue, The Right Carry in Maryland, As of today the State Police is not allowed to issue a permit for personal protection. That is what carry permits are for.

  3. This again shows Hogan as a "rogue chameleon and not a true Republican. He voted against one of his Republican close relationships. LOL

  4. @10:43
    1. You don't have enough money to run.

    2. You will lose. Not enough redneck votes. MD could not even turnout enough votes to elect Trump.

    3. Buy a shotgun w/ short barrel and pistol grip. 100% legal to carry in your vehicle. Why are you so scared?

    1. 4:29...a short barreled shotgun is NOT legal to carry in your vehicle in Maryland. Don't spread your ignorance. Educate yourself. Knowledge is power.

  5. It most certainly legal is as long as it is not loaded and not concealed.

    5:18 State your source that it is not legal.

    I have one in my truck right now laying on passenger seat within easy reach. 3 slug shells in my jacket pocket. Going to Walmart to buy more ammo for deer hunting in the AM. Pity the fool that tries to rob me.


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