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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Marion Le Pen: Let Town Halls Install Nativity Scenes as ‘Symbol of Culture and Identity’

The French Front National has begun a campaign to install nativity scenes in French town halls over the Christmas period.

Marion Maréchal Le Pen, niece of party leader Marine, has proposed a motion in the parliament of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region calling for nativity scenes to be allowed in all town halls of the area.

She pointed out that even under France’s strict secular laws, nativity scenes are permitted in public buildings if they a “symbol of the culture and identity” of the region.

TV channel LCI reports that the Front National called for the Republicans, who govern the region, to “put aside political divisions and vote for this common sense motion.”

However, the idea was met with scorn by regional president Christian Estrosi, a member of the establishment conservatives, who sarcastically remarked: “Finally, Madame Le Pen has an idea: the installation of a nativity scene in the regional parliament!”



  1. that is one way to get it done

  2. Another way to deal with this issue is for real Christians to recognize that their only duty is to tell the truth about Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for ALL PEOPLE, whether they accept it or not.

    Forget about the manger.

    Jesus Christ came to be our Saviour.
    It was his murder at the hands of the Saducees and the Roman Government that is important. His birth is only important in that he was born of a virgin. He was God manifest as revelation to Man.

  3. Mon Dieu! She has it!

    "a symbol of the culture and identity of the region."



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