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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Man's vote may have cost him chance at US citizenship

What a Dundalk man who has lived in the U.S. for 47 years did on Election Day may cost him his dream.

Marcelino Vilcarino Sr., 71, knows he came extremely close to becoming a U.S. citizen, but now, that's in limbo and he might have to start the process all over again.

The retired cook worked at a restaurant in Little Italy for 25 years. He is not an undocumented immigrant, he is a permanent resident who arrived in the U.S. from Peru in 1969. He even got drafted to fight in Vietnam.

His dream is to become a U.S. citizen. He has already paid the $680 application fee.

On Election Day, he went to the polls.



  1. Oh, pobrecito..

    There should be signs in every polling place that state it is a felony for non-citizens to vote.

  2. but Obama said it was ok

  3. Voted for Hillary...No Doubt !!! Gotcha !!!

  4. He knew the rules. He has no one else but himself to blame. Don't feel the least bit sorry for him. Hope he can get his citizenship through legal means, but with citizenship, comes this privilege. If you are not a citizen, and voted you should face the consequences for your actions!

  5. I think during this great "recount" that Clinton is trying to do in three states they could find a lot of this. Of course they won't be looking for this because I think the majority of illegals voted for Clinton hoping that she would let them stay in the country. They could also find a lot of dead voters. I read an article that stated that the machines could not be hacked because they were not online but I watched a video where they hacked the memory card that was put in the machine and the votes all went the way the hacker wanted them to go. Now I don't necessarily believe anything the media shows me, good or bad, because they ruined any trust I had in them and I think they would report it that way even if they knew the machines were hacked.

  6. Did any of you bother to read the article. He voted for Trump. MD has been sending him voter registration since 2000. He won't be deported. His citizenship meeting was the day after election. You people sure are a hateful bunch of rednecks.

  7. We need more people like this guy in the US. He was following the rules, doing all the right things and working hard the whole time. Trump should give him honorary citizen via executive order when he sets up shop.

  8. Thank you 12:26 for explaining in details . I was already to write that a bunch of blooming idiots are on here spouting off on a posting they either did not read or else they have the mentality of weed. Their comments are how false information is spread. Now folks, you need to go back and read Mr Vilcarino story, slowly, one word at a time so you can comprehend his problem.

  9. It's funny that a whole bunch of white people complain about illegals and citizenship and they were all just happened to be born here in a country that their ancestors stole in the first place

  10. "..I think during this great "recount" that Clinton is trying to do in three states they could find a lot of this.."

    The organization 'True The Vote' is doing the looking-- they have been for a good while now, and they've found a LOT of illegal voters.

    They are probably the only ones who have.

  11. The guy lived here for over 40 years. Why did he wait so long to apply for citizenship. He knew he wasn't allowed to vote(even if he said he didn't know). I get mailed a bunch of stuff that doesn't mean I have to fill them out. Also this is a problem with the motor voter registration. They never inquire about the citizenship of the people they try to register. If I was caught voting illegally I would say I voted for the winner too.

  12. Great moral compass you have 6:08. You can be a permanent resident forever and not give up your original citizenship if so desired. There is no requirement to become a citizen. He was here legally.

  13. 7:46 WTF are you talking about? What does my moral compass have to do with anything? I asked a simple question and you come on here with a comment about my moral compass. I know you can stay here virtually forever as a permanent resident. I never said he was here illegally nor did I say anything about him being here. However voting illegally is a felony and a felony is cause for revocation of a green card or refusing to renew a green card. Look it up. Not that the government would do anything. Forget worrying about my moral compass start worrying about your reading comprehension.

  14. 3:53
    Actually my ancestors were here before it was a county.


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