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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Major Fire In Parsonsburg This Morning


  1. I'm quite sure it was a controlled burn. The FD is just across the street and could have extinguished it within seconds.

  2. The house was striped to the studs

  3. TN, Cambridge MA, Oakland, now Parsonsburg. Seems likes a lot of fires going on right now. Just peculiar so many are cropping up all over the country right now.

  4. There are about 1,000 house fires per day and that number is about half of what it was 35 years ago.

  5. It's a controlled burn.

  6. This was a control burn with training exercises.

  7. Right across from the fire department- must be a controlled burn- could have gotten a lot of reclaimed wood from that old house.

  8. Maybe it was drug mules from Baltimore practicing how to burn a pharmacy down.

  9. Was this a controlled burn? I, as a law abiding taxpayer, feel as if I should have been given some sort of prior notice to this occurring.

    1. Why? Not on your property, doesn't affect you, why do you think you're special enough to deserve prior notice?
      Long live that sense of entitlement

  10. 5$( Why do you think you should be notified of a controlled burn? You want to bring marshmellows or something?? SMH

  11. Did they file the proper EPA permits?

    1. Yep. And they used biodegradable matches !

  12. It was a controlled burn, they have been deconstructing the house for awhile.

  13. It was, in fact, a scheduled controlled burn.

  14. Thank God for Furrrrmen.

  15. I see a Salisbury Jacket, White Helmet and no Fire Pants. Must be a career guy. I bet the city attempts to bill for him being there also.

    1. You are a moron! An absolute moron! Majority of your career guys in Salisbury volunteer elsewhere and don't need their career gear to wear to a controlled burn! So most likely it's a VOLUNTEER Chief level officer! People like you are so quick to bash the career staff but little do you know that if it was strictly volunteers that responded to your house fire from Salisbury then your house would be completely gone because the volunteer staffing is extremely lack luster

  16. "Jim said...

    5$( Why do you think you should be notified of a controlled burn? You want to bring marshmellows or something?? SMH

    December 4, 2016 at 7:39 PM"

    Any number of reasons one being it would limit the number of 911 calls to report a fire. Number 2 people who drive that route at that time would know to go a different route.

  17. 3:27AM

    Please learn how to spell.

  18. It is lack luster and failing fast, thanks to Hoppes and Day, that's their goal. To get rid of the volunteers in Salisbury. It's their mission to make the SFD all career. They have been driving the vollies out. And they are about to achieve their goal !


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