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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Loretta Lynch: 'I do regret' meeting with Bill Clinton in June

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Sunday she regrets secretly meeting with former President Bill Clinton last June because of the negative impression it gave some voters.

"I do regret sitting down and having a conversation with him because it did give people concern. And as I said, my greatest concern has always been making sure that people understand that the Department of Justice works in a way that is independent and looks at everybody equally," Lynch said on CNN's "State of the Union."

The Obama official said it has been "painful" for her to see how the infamous airport tarmac meeting played out during the height of an FBIinvestigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

"It did make people wonder: Is it going to affect the investigation that's going on? And that's not something that was an unreasonable question for anyone to ask," Lynch added. "I wish I had seen around that corner and not had that discussion with the former president, as innocuous as it was, because it did give people concern."



  1. And I regret that our government has lost sight of WHO THEY represent, and the job they were ELECTED to do. If anyone had any sense of that, she would have been fired before taking off from that runway. Pathetic public sector strikes again.

  2. Doesn't really matter. She will be gone soon.

  3. "I wish I had seen around that corner ..."

    If you didn't, you're not up to the job.
    If you did, you're lying.
    What are the odds?

  4. Wahhhhhhhhhh.....Good job of screwing up .....we Republicans

    Thank You .......We need all the good help we can get !!!

  5. She is THE stupidest AG ever. EVER.
    She ran that department like a gangster -- protecting friends and contributors (and lots of illegal aliens) and ignoring any laws she didn't like.
    Good riddance AND don't let the door smack you in your big fat ace.
    During her watch, pharma companies shipped MILLIONS of pills and she somehow didn't see that? No one has been charged.
    A federal officer was killed by weapons provided by the federal government itself. No one was charged.
    The IRS targeted people she didn't like. No one was charged.
    The secretary of state mishandled classified info, lied to the FBI (and "we, the people"), and destroyed evidence under subpoena. No one was arrested or charged.
    Worse than just plain stupid. Incompetent and out of her league.
    Got the position, not from credentials or stellar performance.
    You know why.

  6. She knew she shouldn't have met with Bill Clinton. No need to hear her say that she regrets doing it.

  7. If Trump didn't win she would of never of said a word.

  8. Are there actually people out there in this day & age who don't know their every move is under a microscope? I'm referring to the high ranking people who do stupid obvious things, not realizing that the press is hot on their trail waiting for a slip up.I'm a nobody,but even I know that when I go out in public surveillance cameras are on me.Imagine being famous & doing stupid things.

  9. Her name fits her to a tee , the last name is perfect "Lynch" . What a way to go.

  10. She doesn't regret anything she did.

    She just regret getting caught and exposed for the corrupt, evil POS that she has always been.

  11. She regrets being caught, that's all.

  12. To late you useful idiot! Now dry up and blow away.

  13. Yes, I'm sure she regrets being a conspirator with Bill Clinton in rigging the FBI to not recommend charges for the crimes that his wife committed. She only regrets it because they got caught, even though great pains were taken to keep their meeting secret.

  14. She was just a Racist AG who got caught....
    Just a Puppet too ....a yes woman ....for the Pres


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