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Friday, December 09, 2016

Lib woman: It’s the fault of Republicans that I got pregnant because they didn’t give me the pill

Can I be totally real with you for a second? This open-letter to Tom Price (new cabinet pick from Donald Trump) broke my heart. It broke my heart for so many reasons.

This woman uses her personal experiences as fundamental proof that her opinion is more valid than anyone else’s opinion. It is well-written, eloquent and (in my opinion), so disturbingly off-base.

As a Republican woman, I am tired of being labeled “racist” for my moral and religious beliefs. When it comes to abortion, I have been called sexist, a sell-out and ignorant. But this is the first time I have been called racist for opposing abortion. And that is exactly what this woman does. Hold on though, because it gets worse.

It starts as a discussion about race. I read this article. I tried to understand her point of view. I really did. In other words, while reading this the first time, I just listened. I tried to just listen to her feelings and not object or oppose. Just listen.

But I genuinely cannot wrap my head around how lack of government funded abortion and birth control is targeting black women. She starts with this:

As a Black woman, I am distraught that your opposition to the Affordable Care Act will leave many of my sisters without basic health care.



  1. If no children were born from this day forward on Earth,the population of Earth would be less than 1% of what it currently is in 100 years.No one reading this will get my implication,so just do us all a favor and stop the baby mills.

  2. You're right, I don't get your implication. Care to explain to us boneheads?

  3. The opening statement is a lot of BS. This shows how ill informed or just how stupid people are. They have been getting birth control through the Health Dept for years at tax payer expense. This was before Obamacare was passed and years before Obama decided to be a "fraud" Politian.

  4. Sorry but if you are 18 years old you are responsible for your own well being.
    Which means if you can't afford birth control, then you cant afford to have sex. You are not stupid enough to believe you can continually have sex and not get pregnant. The last time I looked condoms were pretty cheap and how about the risk of getting VD or HIV. Seem pretty stupid to me to have unprotected sex especially in this day and time. So news flash the government is not responsible to take care of you all your life. YOU are the only one that is responsible to take care of you. So you better learn to take care of yourself because if you don't nobody else will. Life lesson.


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