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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Left Funds Hate Coalition Aimed at Choking Americans’ Political Speech

A coalition of institutional left, anti-Trump groups will attempt to choke Americans’ free-speech rights, using the excuse they’re opposing “hate speech.”

The assortment of far-left and establishment groups in the “Coalition Against Hate” includes two groups associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chief operative John Podesta, plus pro-illegal immigration groups, such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) plus the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was an unindicted co-conspirator in an anti-Semitic, jihad-funding operation.

MALDEF, which was formed in 1967 with funding almost exclusively by The Ford Foundation, has been called by author David Horowitz a group which “no longer draws a distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.”

Other members of the 55-member hate coalition include the Brennan Center for Justice, CHIRLA, Color of Change, Common Cause, GLAAD, Matthew Shepard Foundation, National Immigration Law Center, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). These groups are suppressing their own rivalries — such as Islam’s hatred of gays — to unite against Americans.

The coalition plans to use legal action and government pressure to stop what it calls “hate speech.”

The group lays out their “mission” on their website, under the guise of stopping what they refer to as “hate speech.” That “hate speech” term helps them stigmatize rival opinions and ideas that the left rejects, even as the group ignores the hatred by fellow progressives towards President-elect Donald Trump and his supporters.


1 comment:

  1. The left Hates America they should be against the law.


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