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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Lawmaker: If Concealed Carriers Get Injured In Obama’s ‘GUN FREE ZONE’ They Can SUE!

Representative-elect Rick Schroer of Missouri is introducing legislation that will allow someone who has a gun and then was prevented from being armed by a given establishment to sue if something goes down and they could have prevented it had they been armed. Missouri is not the first state to do this. I think it is a good law. A business should be held accountable if they kept someone from defending others and they got hurt or killed. Missouri allows concealed carry without a permit.

The inspiration for the bill was the July 2012 Aurora, Colorado, movie theater attack. Moviegoers were not allowed to bring arms into the theater, but that didn’t stop a nut from coming in with a gun and killing them. It was a gun-free zone and the media didn’t address that issue at all. I have long said the best way to stop crime is to allow every American citizen to be armed. This is one more step in that direction and it’s a good one. Schroer said, “[The Aurora theater] almost put a target on the back of all the customers there that had to disarm themselves.”



  1. Airplane hijackings would be unheard of if everyone could carry on board.

  2. Hogan, can you hear the people yet?


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