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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

LA County Considers $1 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Help Illegals Fight Deportation

Los Angeles County supervisors Janice Hahn and Hilda Solis are asking their colleagues to join them in setting aside $1 million in county funds that can be used to help illegal immigrants fight deportation.

It is estimated that LA County’s illegal immigrant population is over 800,000, and the $1 million in funding would come from taxpayers’ pockets.

According to KPCC, supervisor Hahn’s spokeswoman Liz Odendahl explained that “The idea is to set up the legal fund with $1 million in the first year, then obtain matching funds from public or private donors.” The move is a preemptive one, aimed at short-circuiting President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge “to deport millions of immigrants living in the country illegally.”

Hahn said, “Many immigrants who are facing deportation have a legal avenue to stay in this country, but they are not aware of it because they don’t have legal representation.”



  1. I see there is a huge orange sign on the side of a building on Carroll street down near Pepsi across from the Pizza shop advertising legal immigration help. There must be big money to be made helping immigrants.

  2. Considering Pres Obama has steadily deported people (not counting the ones in detention camps) this sounds like a money making scheme using Trump's name to raise funds. I agree with 1214 there's big $$ to be made in immigration.

  3. I hope these idiots don't get a dime.

  4. Obamas wife Mitch hell says there is no hope , wrong , obey the law , it works.

  5. WTH is $1.20 per person going to do toward their legal fees? Save your money and use this for bus fuel!

  6. Can we just cut California off and out of our country

  7. They need a referendum to fire all the officials putting this in place.

  8. I'm all for government at the local level, so let's let LA County do whatever they want. Trump should just cut all their federal funding. Amnesty groups that work to prevent federal access to a database of gang members sounds more like a criminal enterprise than a 501(c). Criminal illegal aliens are one of many brain dead liberal politically correct causes that need to be called out.

  9. The LA Times reports this morning that it is actually $10 million not $1 million! Cut federal funding for rogue "Sanctuary Cities/Counties)!

  10. This should Not be Legal to use Taxpayer $$$ to defend
    Illegals ...........Has the country gone mad ???

  11. They prob get our Benefits too ...soc security, etc etc !!

    Not Right !!........

  12. I hear they get set up in business and don't have to pay taxes for ten years.....
    They got it better than Real (Legal) Americans while they
    are here..........

    7-11 / gas stations / restaurants / They running them

  13. Lock Up the Gov Officials !!!!


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