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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Keith Olbermann: We Can Still Delegitimize Trump By Not Calling Him "President Trump"

In a web video produced by GQ Magazine Keith Olbermann lamented that the Electoral College affirmed the result of the election, that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States. However, he said the "resistance" can still combat Trump -- by not calling him 'President Trump.' Olbermann also suggested reminding Trump supporters everyday that Trump lost the popular vote.

"Resistance means find a Trump supporter everyday and remind them he lost the popular vote," Olbermann said.

"There is also a passive-aggressive, subtler way to make this point clear," Olbermann said in his Monday transmission. "It is like most of the points that finally defeated the Republicans of the Bush era. Those points succeeded not by suddenly knocking down walls, but instead by eroding them as would a river. Not using one word can be just as forceful as perpetually using another. Never address Trump as President. He is Trump. Just Trump. Never president. The title of President, that we must protect for a happier and more honest time. Resistance means refusal. Resist! Peace."



  1. Go find your happy place!

  2. Pick something better than that, Olbermann.

  3. Olbermann is such a looser.

  4. I say whenever we see Barack we just say "Hello BO, you stink".

  5. They are extremists and deniers. They are a fringe group of people that the media gives too much attention to. Just like the street protesters, they will quiet down when they realize they look like the fanatics they are, and nobody cares what kind of extremist antics they embrace. All it took was some cold weather for the street protesters to call of the protests (that Obama encouraged). Those Indian pipeline protesters were dedicated to their cause and stayed out on the protest line even after it got bitter cold. But not those liberal street protesting wimps. They only protested until it got uncomfortable. Crybabies! And like the crybabies they are, they will only cry as long as they think somebody is looking.

  6. Plenty of other media outlets out there. The main stream media is no longer considered valid or trusted to report the news. Trump knows this and told them this at Trump Tower soon after the election when he called for a meeting with them.

  7. Keith Keith Keith...ye of the abysmal countdown clock for George Bush's claim of victory in Iraq. Ye of what network platform you now reside???

    MSNBC and any other property of Comcast Universal/NBC/Blah..no
    ESPN...no (haha)
    Any other acronym network..NO NO and NO

    WoW Keith, how you have fallen faster than Glenn Beck, but still able to stir a few pebbles and know someone at GQ.

    Thanks for the laugh you boob!

  8. So how many time has this wacko been fired from TV shows? I lost count.

  9. Just like Obama is Obama, never has been President Obama.

  10. Can't believe the nitwit is still making comments that get printed. Here's yer sign...L

  11. I've never referred to Obama as being my President!

  12. Stupid is as stupid does!


  13. I get where he's coming from, and so for him I'll truncate and merely call him Keith the hole. Fits him like a bespoke suit!

  14. Keith needs to find a new place for emptying his "ostomy" baggie.


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