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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

KATIE HOPKINS: How many MORE atrocities before our leaders stop lying to us and admit that, thanks to their immigration policies, being mowed down while doing your Christmas shopping is simply the new normal?

‘We will do whatever is necessary. That means long-range weapons, short weapons, machine guns, even if this sounds martial.’

These were the words of German politician Klaus Bouillon, a member of Mrs Merkel's CDU party, in response to yet another slaughter of innocents, this time at a Christmas market in Berlin.

Of course, Merkel wasn't around to respond to the horror as it unfolded. She was attending an award ceremony to celebrate the International Day of Migrants even as it seemed one of the 1.1 million she has let into the country tore another hole in her people and in Germany’s cultural life.



  1. Merkel is pathetic.

  2. Politicians, including in America have blood on their hands when they ignore the violence from illegals in their country. Unfortunately they don't care at all if their own citizens are raped, murdered, robbed, shot, stabbed, car-jacked or any other harm is committed.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 21, 2016 at 5:20 PM

    Angela Merkel is German nickname for Hillary Clinton. They are both equally pathetic, with total disregard for the citizens they suppose to represent.

  4. Merkel came from communist East Germany ...nuff said.

  5. That idiot Merkel comes up for re-election soon and if the German people put her back in office then they deserve exactly what they are going to get because they have just seen the beginning of a real nasty war and she is to blame. Blood will be flowing in the streets if they don't get rid of those Muslims.

  6. Regular citizens should be HANGING these politicians from the nearset tree.
    They SURROUND themselves with heavily armed men, travel in armored cars, live in places with 24-7 security, have armies sweep the cities and routes they use of any POSSIBLE threats, and the only time they ever get close to a muslim is at a photo op or when they see one sweeping the street as they drive by.
    "We, the people", however, MUST accept the risk of THEIR generosity and kindness as our "leaders" place these killers among us.
    OUR kids get maimed and killed while they TWEET condolences.
    And if you aren't willing to take that risk with your children's lives, they have the media label you as "racist!!!!!!!!".
    Start the hanging!


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