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Monday, December 19, 2016

Judge Rules for Texas AG in ‘Charlie Brown’ Fight

KILLEEN, Texas (CN) – A Texas judge blocked a school district’s removal of a “Charlie Brown Christmas” decoration that contained a Bible verse Thursday, hours after a nurse’s aide and Texas followed through on threats to sue over its removal.

Dedra Shannon and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton were granted a temporary restraining order in Bell County District Court on Thursday afternoon.

Earlier on Thursday, Shannon sued the Killeen Independent School District, seven school board trustees, superintendent John Craft and Kara Trevino, principal at Charles E. Patterson Middle School, for allegedly violating her free speech rights.

Paxton concurrently filed a plea in intervention on behalf of the state in support of Shannon.

The lawsuit came two days after the school board declined to reinstate the decoration in a 6-1 vote.

The board refused to overturn Trevino’s decision to tell Shannon to take down the door decoration showing “Peanuts” character Linus reciting to shepherds a verse from the Gospel of Luke about the meaning of Christmas, an image from the “A Charlie Brown Christmas” special.

According to the Houston Chronicle, Judge Jack Jones ruled Thursday afternoon that the door display should be put back up with the line, “Ms. Shannon’s holiday message.”



  1. I bet all these non beleivers dont have a life. They are idiotic pethetic moronic losers.

  2. So pathetic. NONE of them have ever read the First Amendment and tried to understand it.

    Congress has made no move here...

  3. Forget all these butt hurt illegals immigrants getting our tax paying dollars jobs etc and want us to feel for them you dont like quit or get the hell out period gonna pull up on wrong one and get smoked


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