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Monday, December 19, 2016

Judge Jeanine: I'll tell you what hope is, Michelle


  1. Wow what planet are these morons from. It has been a long hopeless 8 years. we now have some hope with trump.

  2. Please make Judge jeanine a supreme court nominee. What truthful statements.

  3. Well spoken, how's that hope and change working now?

  4. Yeah hope is lost. The obama legacy is nothing other then a record number of black on black murders and tens of thousands record breaking number of black on black shootings. Yeah such "hope" everyone had under obama. The evil lyin' ghetto boy needs to take his butt ugly fat assed ghetto lyin wife and the rest of his trash family and disappear forever.

  5. Thinking of possible election results, what if Sanders had won. It would be the first time in American history that a Socialist Jewish president moved into public housing that a black family was kicked out of.

  6. 8:57...now that is funny. I think FLOTUS is upset that hubby's legacy is merely a speed bump in the history of the U.S.A.

  7. I love listening to Judge Jeanine. She speaks her mind, and it always makes good sense. I would love to see Judge Jeanine go face to face with Michelle. Michelle wouldn't have a chance to talk crap.

  8. Michael Robinson was a middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers.
    He told his team mates that he felt like a woman trapped in a man's body.

    Educate yourselves folks.
    These people are laughing at you.

  9. Hope > She disappears from politics...Enough of Obamas !!!

  10. Her and Racist Opra can go back their Hawaii Estates

    and enjoy counting their money all day !!........

    America has had enough of them .........

    Aloha !!!

  11. Opra and her make me sick.....they both Racist and don't
    fool me .....

    They live in La La Land ... not like the rest of us !!!

  12. the judge is looking good!


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