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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Israeli Minister: Israel Betrayed at UN By Countries Where We Helped Stop Terror

TEL AVIV – A member of the Israeli cabinet on Wednesday slammed the countries that supported the anti-settlement resolution at the UN Security Council, saying that Israel was betrayed by the very nations that asked it for assistance in fighting terror.

“Countries to which Israel has been providing intelligence to aid them in preventing terrorist attacks on their own soil sat there and voted against us at the UNSC,” Transportation, Intelligence and Atomic Energy Minister Yisrael Katz said.

Some lawmakers from the opposition defended the resolution, which declares all land captured by Israel in the 1967 defensive war as “occupied Palestinian territory.”

Zionist Union MK Tzipi Livni blasted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his harsh response towards countries that supported the resolution, including threats to cease aid and the summoning of 12 ambassadors for reprimand.

Leader of the settler movement Oded Revivi said Secretary of State John Kerry was “disconnected from reality.”

More here


  1. No Izrahell was not betrayed,they are guilty as charged.

  2. Yes, Israel was betrayed, by the US president and Senator Kerry, and by the UN. It will not matter in the long run because God will not let his people be destroyed and and that is the intent of the UN, the Muslim countries around Israel, and the Palestinians. If they could, they would wipe the Jews off of the map. It ain't happening! Trust me on this, as I trust God!
    I am only sorry that Israel will continue to suffer for this betrayal and that the US will also suffer for in the Bible God states that he will harm whoever harms Israel and He will bless whoever blesses Israel.

  3. UN > stands for Unnecissary , UN - Needed ,

    Don't worry New Sheriff in Town in WH sooon..........


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