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Friday, December 02, 2016

Is College Worth It? Recent Grads Share Their Experiences

When young adults set out to pick a college back in 2010 and 2011, they were making a decision of a lifetime amid big financial obstacles: soaring tuition and the great recession.

And as they progressed through their college careers, a debate over the value of college grew louder.

A long held mantra – that the best investment is a good education – is increasingly being called into question. Some politicians, high-profile entrepreneurs and even educators, have become publicly skeptical of the worth of a degree that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to obtain.

In that context, NPR's Robert Siegel set out to learn how nine bright and engaging college students feel now about the choices they made back then.

How have they handled the financial burden? And how well positioned do they feel for the future? Robert spent a year visiting with people who made a variety of decisions – attending a big state university, private college and community college.



  1. Boy that article from NPR just answered all my questions about the value of a college education. We taxpayers pay for this dribble, what junk.

  2. If college debt forgiveness takes over like I think it will college will be worth it.

  3. Salisbury shure as heck isn't worth it. I have yet to talk to one student who doesn't seem like a complete idiot.

  4. "We taxpayers pay for this dribble, what junk."

    Heres my question: why in the hell are there so many damn public radio stations in our area? Joe, you do investigate this. WAMU 88.3, WSCL 89.5 WSDL 90.7. WESM 91.3....they are take our tax money to survive and in the mornings they all play the EXACT SAME programming! Trump cant defund NPR quick enough for me. Let the liberals support it if they love it so much.

  5. 12:41 - I assure you I am not an idiot. However, I do believe you just might be one due to your over generalizing comment referring to SU students. BTW - I am leaving out my witty comment about your spelling. I am sure it was only because you did not "think" to proof read your comment.

  6. Y'all be thinking on why you gots obamacare and no job with salary /benfit now ain't ya?

  7. I would hire a person with common sense that wants to work, over a College Graduate that thinks they should be paid a bigger salary because they have a degree.

  8. when young people are taught critical thinking skills and have a great imagination and work ethic and a good bit of common sense, college or university probably isn't necessary. you can do better on your own.

  9. When people know what they want to do they should go to college and focus on it. When people go to college just to go to college it is pointless. Go to community college for 2 years and save some $$ till you figure out what you want to do.I went to college and paid my own way. Now I make great money in a job I didn't need a degree for anyway.

  10. Look,
    College education used to have a value.
    Now it is a money pit.
    The elite are "managing" our lives like we are livestock.
    They control all prices.
    There are no markets. There are no good jobs.

    This is globalism, which is communism in disguise.

    The people in India still want and value education.
    When their children complete college, they find good jobs in Jewish owned companies. These are the companies who left America several decades ago. Every 800 number you dial goes to India. They have learned to speak English (somewhat) and took our jobs.

    The manual labor jobs went to Asia. How many people do you know who drive a Hundai, or a Kia? South Korea was taken (during the Korean War) and the elites built factories there. They exploited those workers. Soon they will leave South Korea and move on to somewhere else.

  11. The liberal professors are more interested in pushing their ideology on students rather than preparing them for their future creating people that are unemployable.

  12. My wife had a recent exchange with a niece-in-law where the niece said, and I quote, " I got masters....get it!". I just couldn't stop thinking she needed to get her money back.

  13. 459
    You are exactly right.
    Some of your comments are congruent with Mr. Trump's positions.

    The rich business owners are responsible for off shoring the jobs from America.
    They destroyed our economy for their personal gain.

    That is business.
    However, it is the job of government to protect Americans including the workers.
    There should have been tariffs to prevent or discourage the rich owners from down what they did.


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