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Monday, December 26, 2016

How to get tickets to the Presidential Inauguration

If you would like to see Donald Trump get sworn into office in Washington D.C. next month, the tickets are free, but as you'd expect they are in high demand.

To get your ticket contact the office of your local Senator or Representative.

If you can't get a ticket but would still like to catch a glimpse of the next Commander-in-Chief, you can position yourself along Pennsylvania Avenue for the Inaugural Parade



  1. IMO I will see more staying home and watching it on FOX. The traffic, the weather, the protesters, the security, etc would hinder even catching a glimpse of our President to be.

  2. I will NOT waste a TGIF on any visit to Washington DC. I love the shore and my TGIF's will be wasted on visits to local establishments and friends!

  3. No thank you, not interested. I have better things to do. If I was offered front row seats I wouldn't go. But good luck to those who want to go.

  4. Since it's been reported no local HS / collegiate bands are willing to participate in the parade, I'm not sure what exactly the point of calling it a "parade" is.

    Maybe rename it "here comes the guy Russia elected in a black limo in an area where nearly everyone voted against him"

  5. 11:17, you still don't get it. Hard-working Americans tired of the nonsense the liberals have thrown down our throats for years finally rose up and elected someone who has promised real change. We say, let's give the outsider a chance.

    1. He certainly deserves a chance, but I can imagine it's going to be difficult at best working in an area that literally can't stand him. I don't expect miracles.

  6. We are staying home watching the greatest moment in our lives on TV so we don't miss anything. I will cook a special meal to celebrate. I can't wait to see Melania's outfits for the day.

  7. 11:17; are you another lefty with a lemon sucking look on your face? Can't take the taste of defeat. Are you concerned about seeing the country prosper or are you worried about losing some entitlements? Check the demographics; Hillary won the inner cities like New York and L.A. Yes that is a lot of people but again these are people afraid of losing something handed to them. The country has spoken, get on board or get a one way ticket some where.

    1. I think the guy deserves a chance, but realistically speaking his "claims" are beyond rediculous when attempting to execute. I won't hold my breath.

  8. 1117 has to be the S U president. Just go back to Golden Corral and everything will be fine. And maybe take some play dough with you. HA HA HA HA HA LOSER

  9. 1117 is foolishly advertising they believe the fake news Russian spin by looney left. Love it when people display their ignorance for all to see.

  10. Anyone still believing that Russian nonsense is an idiot.

    1. And anyone buying into the rhetoric that somehow this buffoon can back up even 1% of his political bs is the biggest idiot of all.

  11. I would love to go to it, but I can't, due to fear of getting hurt or killed by the ignorant protesters.

  12. you are right 944 it will be very dangerous, democrats are worried they will have to look for a job and work like the rest of us. this is terrifying.

  13. Swear him in, no parade, let him straight to work.

  14. 11:17 Not that I am ever going to change the mind of a liberal but...

    Consider this, if the Russians leaked the emails it is an issue I agree but the fact of the matter is that its the context of the emails that got the Dems in trouble.

    If they were conducting themselves in an honest manner and not leaking debate questions to Hillary, actively going against Sanders, not colluding with other media organizations etc. then the leaked emails would not have been an issue.

    Also consider that before the emails were leaked Hillary was at 48% and right before the election she was still at 48% it showed that her favor-ability did not go down due to the emails. It pretty much stayed the same so really the impact was not as signification as they are claiming.

    Now if Russian had hacked the voting machines or something like that there would be a serious issue but ultimately it was the Dems and Hillary's own actions that made those emails so damaging to them and the leak itself only brought that to the light.

    The very fact that they cannot accept any responsibility to the contexts of those emails really shows how they have not realized that it was their own actions that prevented her from winning the White House.

    1. "A car in every garage and a turkey in every pot". Sound familiar? Did that actually happen?

      Read a textbook. Or blame the liberals for your poor knowledge and upbringing.

  15. I know one thing - it's going to be huge. Really huge.

  16. I'm going. This is a chance to witness one of the most pivotal moments in United States history. Wouldn't miss it for the world. We - and the Brits- have started a global revolution. The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step. I want to witness those first steps.


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