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Saturday, December 17, 2016

How the Minimum Wage Hurts Young People


  1. Ahhh propaganda. Don't you just love it. My lawn guy charges like $30 a hour. Well because he has equipment and insurance to buy.

    But yea, lets just keep people living in poverty because the big corporations, who by the way, are posting record profits, do not pay their employees livable wages that our taxes have to subsidize with the welfare they are on.

    Too bad this little propaganda piece didn't mention that fact. Don't want all the facts to get in the way. Lets dumb it down and simplify it for the stupid public.

  2. Verifiable facts. Just check a graph of teenage unemployment and mark it for times of mandated wage increases. Or try to count the number of restaurants in Seattle that have closed since the$15/hour mandate was enacted. Or read 1:23's post: just like the video points out, he doesn't use neighborhood teens to cut his grass, he, as was pointed out in the video, uses more costly professionals because he gets better results for not much more money.

  3. 1:23 didn't learn a thing from the video.


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