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Friday, December 09, 2016

Hollywood PR Firm Sunshine Sachs Cancels Christmas Parties Because Trump Won

Hollywood publicity powerhouse Sunshine Sachs has cancelled its glitzy, star-studded annual holiday celebrations in solidarity with those whom its chief executive says are people who feel targeted by Donald Trump.

“We’ve been talking a lot about how to protect the things we care about, post-election,” Sunshine Sachs CEO Shawn Sachs told industry outlet TheWrap on Tuesday.

“I felt the morning after was nothing compared to how I felt talking to people in this office, those who felt their citizenship — in a matter of moments — was gone or had been lessened,” Sachs said of the election. “Being the diverse workplace we are, many of us felt under assault.”



  1. No parties, no expenses. Cheap statement.

  2. Sounds like a cop out to me.

  3. This shows what immature, sore losers they are. And, in the meantime, their state is rocking with earthquakes. They'll go down never getting the message.

  4. Many of us have felt "under assault" for the last 8yrs...so what's his point?

  5. The fuzzy slipper is now on the other foot, cupcake. Scaremonger all you want, throw some tantrums, cut your hair off with dull scissors and get a bad tattoo, but don't think for a moment that this (or even the last eight years) is all about you.


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