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Friday, December 09, 2016

Hillary Fundraiser: How I Ended Up In A Psych Ward On Election Night Because Trump Won

I’d like to start this out by saying that I do not mock legitimate mental illness in my writings. It’s a very personal subject and I tend to shy away from anything regarding that content.

That being said, after reading through this piece, I feel like this is more in the vein of attention seeking and not being able to handle a loss very well than actual mental illness. Of course, I’m not nearly qualified to make that kind of medical diagnosis and wouldn’t dare.

Benjamin Ryan took to The Huffington Post to write about the election night and why he felt the need to check himself into a mental hospital to keep from committing suicide upon seeing the election go for Trump.



  1. Should have gone ahead with the suicide, then wouldn't be bothered anymore. It's called "freedom of choice!!!'

  2. What high dwama this is!

  3. Actually, most of Hillary's supporters displayed mental illness.

  4. I encourage Hillary supporters that are sad to just end it all. It is the right thing to do, they need not suffer under a Trump Presidency, just do it.

  5. gander mountain is having a sale on all guns, if money or your aim is a problem, i'll be glad to help you achieve your goal

  6. This guy needs help on January 20th to exclude himself from the carnage of a Trump Presidency! I hope he gets all the guns he needs to bail on that "dark" day!


  7. That is perfect example of the blind leading the blind. Hillary is a psycho
    killer. So it will naturally follow the most of her liberal supporters are psycho also. This just proves it. I was very disappointed when Obama stole two elections but I did not go to a mental hospital. I did what all normal people do and had to suck it up and wait till Trump won to change things for the better. So all you liberal Democrat Hillary supporters. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP.


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