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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Harvard study says soda tax would have health benefit if implemented in Baltimore

A tax on soda and other sugary drinks in Baltimore could help reduce diabetes and obesity in the city, while generating $25.6 million for health programs, researchers at Harvard's school of public health reported Wednesday.

The researchers, who looked at the impact of an excise tax on sugary beverages on 15 major cities, said all would see significant health and economic benefits.

The study was commissioned by Healthy Food America, an advocacy group that promotes such taxes.

"We are hoping that by showing the potential significance of this, more people will consider a tax in their communities," said Jim Krieger, executive director of Healthy Food America.



  1. Just another wacky tax to give money to lazy people. Unbelievable.

  2. The only thing they have not taxed is taxes and I'm not 100% sure of that. With Hogan he did repeal the rain tax.
    Don't say things like unprepared food, I have to pay income taxes to buy my food.
    Most things shipped is paying some sort of transportation tax.
    See the connections.
    Can anybody think of anything not taxed?

  3. Actually the poor would pay quite a bit of this tax. They drink just as much soda, if not more, than the rest of us.

  4. People should really cut that crap out of their diet. Loaded with refined sugar.

  5. Find out who gets the money...another special interest group!

  6. Yay! more regulations

  7. Corn syrup not sugar actually. Why b/c the corn is subsidized and has a solid lobbying base. Also why ethanol is in gas; it is doesn't help the environment at all and is terrible for combustible engines. Not to mention that it requires more resources to produce than output it provides. The dyes in soft drinks are also really bad for you and can be removed w/o affecting the taste.

    People shouldn't drink their calories anyhow. I truly believe that you should be free to do whatever you want but there are way too many obese people nowadays especially children

  8. Just ban soda from EBT/WIC. Problem solved. Less fat poor people.

  9. Corn syrup not sugar actually. Why b/c the corn is subsidized and has a solid lobbying base. Also why ethanol is in gas; it is doesn't help the environment at all and is terrible for combustible engines. Not to mention that it requires more resources to produce than output it provides. The dyes in soft drinks are also really bad for you and can be removed w/o affecting the taste.

    People shouldn't drink their calories anyhow. I truly believe that you should be free to do whatever you want but there are way too many obese people nowadays especially children

  10. For those of you complaining about how this money will go to lazy people...the point of this tax is to improve the health of those who consume soda. It's filled with sugar and is highly acidic. Some people really don't know any better or don't care enough so they ingest and let their children ingest massive amounts of it. It ruins your teeth (dental bills) and negatively impacts your health (diabetes, obesity leading to medical bills). You see the word tax and freak out but fail to look into the long term and the actual point of the tax. Sick of paying a bunch of taxes? Imagine, in an ideal world, what your money could be used for if it wasn't paying for these health related issues.

  11. 1:12 corn syrup is broken down into fructose and glucose during digestion. So they end up being pretty much the same. Corn syrup will have negligibly higher levels of fructose to glucose but they are not bonded together like they are in normal sugar. Which means they move into the bloodstream faster. There isn't a glaring difference between the two but the main take away is that they both lead to a decrease in cardiovascular health. And of course like you said, we've all seen the corn syrup commercials on tv that make it seem like a healthy alternative to sugar. You're exactly right, follow the money trail. Look at who paid for those commercials

    RE ethanol, gas was required to be oxygenated in order to have more efficient combustion. This was done with additives. First was MTBE, then a more "eco-friendly" option ethanol. Today's fuel injected cars are more than capable of running great on 10% ethanol. Small engines like lawnmowers and dirt bikes, not so much.

  12. Hey Harvard - tackle a bit more important issues than cola making one fat. WE ALREADY KNEW THAT.

    How bout developing economic stability (local/state/fed levels)
    How bout job stimulus (pluses and minuses)
    How bout positive reinforcement strategies rather than everything negative.

    Harvard/Ivy League - time to really step up for your nation...if you truly can!

  13. Michelle Obama was so concerned with the health of all the kids that she changed all the meals in schools. Why didn't she go after what food stamps can be spent on if she is really worried about the health of children? They have taken sodas out of most schools why not limit sugary drinks that can be purchased with an EBT card.

  14. putting down your crack pipe also has health benefits


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