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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Growing list of post-election 'hate crimes' turn out to be hoaxes

Since the election victory of Donald Trump, numerous stories have surfaced about hate crimes allegedly tied to supporters of the businessman or to his rhetoric, some true and many not.

Although the Southern Poverty Law Center reports that there have been hate crimes since the election, a number of the incidents have been disproven or shown to be hoaxes or ill-timed jokes. Here are some noteworthy ones.

A Muslim teenager from Long Island by the name of Yasmin Seweid told authorities that she was harassed on the subway by men who yelled "Donald Trump!" while trying to remove her hijab. Within two weeks, the police said that she admitted she was lying because she broke her curfew. She now faces charges of filing and false report.

Immediately after the election, a Muslim woman in Louisiana claimied that she was attacked and had her hijab ripped off. In a statement released not long after that, the Lafayette Police Departmenet said that while investigating the incident, the woman "admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males."


1 comment:

  1. The Southern Poverty Jokers are just another BLM liar movement. Discard all their rhetoric, it's not worth the read!


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