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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Gorka Warns About Lone Wolf Theory

This is all Liberal balderdash to make Americans have a false sense of security while forwarding some fake news that isolated incidences should not mar the refugees they wish to import into the United States. 

Inform yourselves. Just because the election is over, it's not a time to go back to putting your heads in the sand. Switzerland, Germany, Turkey, US - all terrorism, all not as a result of Lone Wolves but a network scattered throughout the globe. It's time to coalesce in order to end this reign. 

Now ask yourself, do you really want to buy into Russia as a foe or would you rather our government work with all world governments to end this madness?



  1. Terrorism is an attack on the world and can't be defeated until the world powers unite to wipe them from the face of the earth. No one power is that dominate anymore.

  2. Modern Terrorism has its roots in intelligence agencies.


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