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Friday, December 23, 2016

German crisis a warning to America?

Is the nation of Germany as we know it coming to an end?

More than a third of Germans sometimes feel like strangers in their own country due to the massive influx of Muslim migrants over the past couple of years, according to a study made public last month. Likewise, a third of Germans told researchers there are “too many foreigners in Germany.”

The study, which was conducted by the Friedrich Elbert Foundation, also found a 53 percent majority of Germans want a limit on refugees coming into the country, compared to 44 percent in 2014. Fifteen percent went so far as to say the German government should stop granting citizenship to Muslims.

Germany, under the direction of Chancellor Angela Merkel, has led the way in welcoming Middle Eastern and North African refugees to the Western world, having taken in more than 1.1 million migrants starting in 2015.



  1. The true Germans need to throw Merkel our on her ear and the muslims right behind her.

    Muslims don't like the German way of life and the Germans don't like the muslims

  2. Not surprising. This is what Obummer has been pushing for 8 years. I fear America will soon be in the same situation. Putin saw it and acted for the benefit of Russia. I hope Trump will do the same.

  3. If those idiots re-elect Anglia Merkel then they deserve exactly what they are going to get. They better start kicking muslims out of Germany while they still have a country. But I think they are over run with politically correct left wing nut jobs.

  4. Listen,
    It is not just Merkel.
    It is not just Obama.
    It wasn't Dubya'.

    It is their bosses.
    The people who print money out of thin air.
    They finance these governments and own the politicians.

    identify the correct enemy.
    Then the world will make more sense.

    Think about who wants to destroy the Western Cultures and Countries.
    Who benefits from this agenda?
    Who owns Hollywood, finances the movies, the propaganda?
    Who owns the MSM and the companies they represent?

    Thank you

  5. There are so many Muslims in Germany, it would be easy for them to have a revolt and overthrow the country. Today's German's are a weak bunch. I'm sure that country will collapse. Europe's open borders have weakened all of those countries. Europe is too kind and allowing itself to become Muslim,

  6. 10:18 PM:
    Sounds exactly like the United States. The good thing is if we are attacked from within, will be that the pro-immigration pacifists, anti-gun ownership dipsticks, snowflakes and liberals will be the first victims.


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