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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Food for Thought...

If you think the whole Russian story is legit then ask yourself this...

Just saying, this does beg to be answered... 

As a wise man relayed to me: 

"The Democrats need a boogie man to explain their stunning failure and rejection of prophetic proportions and, at the same time, find a way to smear Trump. It also serves the Coser proposition of coalescing internal factions in the presence of an external enemy threat. The only problem is no one - the president included - has presented on piece of evidence. Their hysterical echo chamber of assumptions, that are given air play and amplified by a colluding press, is the sand upon which they build their baseless arguments. In the court of law this is drivel, gossip, hearsay and laughably inadmissible but in the court of public opinion - where idiots consume propaganda like candy or cocaine - the simple BIG lie repeated often serves the purpose - to fulfill Alinsky's rule 13 - "pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." 

I know we're geeks for constantly talking politics but hey, someone has to do it. 


  1. Why are they concerned that the elections were hacked, but not clintons private server?

  2. Indeed. Plus this doesn't fit standard protocol of either agency. They never go to the press before briefing Congress and they would have gone before the oversight committee had there been anything to the story at all. People need to wake up and realize the world that's being pulled over your eyes.

  3. The whole story is just BS because Liberals can't come to grips with losing the election. Clinton believed she had it in the bag because she bought her own fake news given to the MSM to report. This is just more fake BS to make people doubt Trump.

  4. It is telling that the disgusting Democrats do not display the same concern with the millions of illegal aliens that voted, dead or alive, as they seem to exhibit with the fake Russian story.

  5. What I want to know is what is John McCain and Lindsey Graham so desperate to delegitimize Trump's presidency. What do they have to hide that they're afraid Tillerson will uncover over in the Middle East and Russia? I've heard word they both got big money from Clinton Foundation for that second pipeline that the Clintons were working on through the Middle East, so it seems to me, they have some stake in all this garbage. McCain was the first to start yelling about the Russians. Seems to me these two crooks are trying to keep their keister out of jail.

  6. 5:38

    McCain and Graham are part of the establishment that is so threatened by Trump

  7. McConnell and Ryan are also making Clinton Foundation bank that's drying up because she wasn't elected. They're really bent up their revenue streams are dissipating with each passing day. Globalists are scraping the bottom of the barrel to survive and it's not working out so hot. All the fake news, recounts, protests and elector threats are all backfiring big time. They're like a plane in a huge tailspin descending at 400mph from the sky. It's a head on collision course with extinction so naturally, they're clinging to anything that may have some hope to restore the grasp they once thought they had. Pathetic to watch indeed.

  8. 2 words: private server. I rest my case.
    If I get caught drunk driving, speeding, with an underaged girl, expired license, no registration, drugs and a unregistered firearm, do I blame the DMV for my stupidity? No. I get an ugly mugshot posted on SBY NEWS and pay my dues. It's time for Crooked Hillary, B. Hussein Obama and all the Koolaid drinkers to accept reality: your lives are about to change. You're going to see what it's like to be ruled by an administration you disagree with to your core. Enjoy the next 4 - hopefully 8- years!!!!
    She lost, he won...move on.

  9. ALL of this is a SHAM. period. Never listen to the libs/left/Dems under any circumstances.

  10. The fake investigations of past crimes by our politicians, and no action taken against these criminals, is the main reason Trump was just elected. Bring on the honest investigations and lock up some of these DC swamp rats!

  11. McCain and Graham r both relics and need to go to the old folks home. Who even cares what the say


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