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Saturday, December 03, 2016

FAKE NEWS ALERT: Let’s fact check Josh Earnest’s claim that Obama created 805,000 manufacturing jobs

Now here’s Politifact with the truth. From the beginning of Obama’s term, “the number of manufacturing jobs is actually down by about 303,000” (emphasis ours):

After a presidential election decided by Rust Belt voters’ Republican shift, it’s an opportune time to evaluate President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election promise to “create 1 million new manufacturing jobs by the end of 2016” and to “double American exports over the next five years.”

First, manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that between the time Obama made that promise, amid the 2012 campaign, and October 2016, the number of manufacturing jobs rose by 297,000. That’s well below 1 million.

And you can’t get to 1 million even if you use time frames that are generous to Obama.

If you start from the beginning of Obama’s term — which started in a severe economic downturn — the number of manufacturing jobs is actually down by about 303,000.

So, how did Earnest get 805,000? Here’s how:



  1. The lies of politician was nothing new. Now we have agencies and the supposed watch dog of our leaders actions( the media) working together to DECEIVE US! This should sounds alarms on both sides of the PEOPLES politic. This evil global cabal has snakes in all facets of society. Ready to unleash Satan's Wrath before his inevitable demise. Some, as we can see today are in awe of him, his ideals and morals. They invoke his agenda and utilize his methods. Lie, deceive confuse all in attempt to drag all us to hell with him. The lost have no Godly shield, as some of us have. They are doomed to be fuly under licifers control till the end. Pray hard we surely need it.

  2. This should be no surprise to anyone, as the Obama White House has been nothing but a BS factory.

    I don't know why anyone would believe anything he or his minions say.

  3. I don't have to fact check it. I know it is a lie if it came from this administration.

  4. Obama is an amateur propped up by fake news.

  5. This coming from same outfit that said your insurance rates would go down and you can keep your doctor? They're not strangers to exaggerations so take it with grain of salt. Only fake news out there is from the MSM that was in collusion with Clinton and her merry hounds of hell. They label it fake news because they're trying to keep you from the ultimate truth. As Clint Eastwood says: Obama is the biggest fraud perpetrated on America. Truth sucks. 🇺🇸👍🏻🤔

  6. are the people that produce snap cards considered manufacturers. if so, this story is correct

  7. He meant to say that that was the number he manufactured.


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