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Monday, December 19, 2016

‘FAITHLESS’ FAIL Trump tops 270 electoral votes, as bid to flip electors falls flat

Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote on Monday and secured his election as the 45th president of the United States, as the latest – and perhaps last – stop-Trump movement failed to gain traction in state capitals.

A fervent push by anti-Trump forces to persuade electors to defect had turned the normally mundane civic procedure into high drama.

But Trump easily surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to win, as representatives tabbed to cast ballots in accordance with their states’ Nov. 8 decision mostly adhered to the election results. With several states still voting, Trump had 304 votes and Hillary Clinton had 169.

Texas put Trump over the top, despite two Republican electors casting protest votes.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence afterward tweeted "congratulations" to his running mate while saying he was "honored & humbled" to be officially elected the next vice president.



  1. Best Christmas present ever.


  2. So perfectly stated thousands of times over, "Time to drain the swamp." A merry Christmas to all! Can't wait to go to DC to see my first inauguration! Already started gearing up with hand warmers, ezpass, and a nice portable cooler. Anyone know of an eastern shore transit or sponsored bus headed to the inauguration? That would sound like an awesome trip to me!

  3. Thereby again avoiding a revolution. Now, let's get down to business of makng America great again.

  4. Thank God it's over; I can relax and look forward to getting on with conservatism. We have beaten down the devil; GO TRUMP/PENCE!

  5. GOD BLESS AMERICA and Merry Christmas

  6. All the Flippers should be Deported .....Let Putin have them

  7. How many more Recounts are coming ??? Wahhhhhhh !!!!


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