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Monday, December 19, 2016

Everything you need to know about Trump’s inauguration

(WASHINGTON) — The countdown clock on the White House transition is winding down as specifics about Donald Trump’s inauguration are being finalized.

Here’s a rundown of what is known about the schedule so far:

Easy pick of a theme

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The Trump team announced that it’s going to stick with the campaign slogan that helped get the real estate developer elected, saying that “Make America Great Again” will be the inaugural theme.

“The theme is very simple,” Trump inaugural chairman Tom Barrack told ABC News. “The idea is to have a cross cut of harmony of America and normal Americans that reflects on them, not on the power and prestige of this man.”

In 2009, “A New Birth of Freedom” was the theme for Barack Obama’s first inauguration, and “Faith in America’s Future” in 2013.


Some of the most basic logistics of the inauguration are set forth by the 20th Amendment of the Constitution.

The official transfer of power happens at noon Jan. 20, which falls on a Friday this time around.

Inauguration Day is a federal holiday in Washington, D.C., and parts of nearby Maryland and Virginia, but only for people who are regularly scheduled to work on that day. D.C. public schools have off that day, as do local colleges in the area, including Georgetown University, George Washington University, Catholic University of America and American University. They have cancelled classes that day. Howard University has not listed the inauguration as a school holiday on its academic calendar.

One of the inaugural traditions is that the outgoing president accompanies his successor to the Capitol, and that is expected to happen again this year. President Obama has said he will escort Trump and he will watch him take the oath of office, then the Obamas will leave on Marine One.

Trump’s inaugural committee announced via Twitter that there will be a welcome rally and parade, though officials didn’t specify when.

Breakdown of the Inaugural Balls


1 comment:

  1. Why are the Obamas leaving on a helicopter? There new home is only about 20 blocks away; they can take an Uber.


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