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Monday, December 19, 2016

Electoral College members in Md., Va. see need for changes

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Some presidential electors in Maryland support changes to the Electoral College after seeing two Democratic presidential candidates in the last 16 years win the U.S. popular vote, but lose the election.

Salome Peters is one of Maryland’s 10 Democratic electors. She believes the Electoral College system should be changed, saying, “We should go with the popular vote, period.”

Virginia’s Democratic members of the Electoral College are all strong supporters of Hillary Clinton. What they’re less sure of is the process they will be a part of next week.

On Monday, the electors will meet at the Virginia Capitol to cast their votes for the next president of the United States. Usually a ceremonial step in the road to the presidency, this year’s meeting of the Electoral College has drawn intense scrutiny.



  1. with all due respect(none) the founding fathers were brilliant when they created the electoral college. this country is more than the east and west coast. in addition Maryland is more than Baltimore and dc suburbs but unfortunately they always win

  2. BS. Total BS. The system is in place for a reason. And I am tired of Baltimore dictating how MD votes.

  3. The Electoral College does what it does for good reason.

  4. Only because Hillary lost are we talking about changing the rules. It worked great for them the last 2 elections but now it's broken, give me a break.

  5. If you want to see the SHTF, try voting for Clinton today against your people's choice.

  6. In the blue states if broken down counties it's mostly red. He won over 3000 counties. Insane landslide victory

  7. Those electors in question could do with a deep cleansing of their souls, if they indeed have any.

  8. Certainly a Democrat in Maryland would say that. That would just mean that there will never be a Maryland electoral vote for a Republican, no matter how many votes a Republican gets from parts of Maryland that do not support the Democrat candidates. Republican votes and voices are silenced in Maryland by our Democrat majority legislature.

  9. Hillary still won the popular vote in Maryland. If we got rid of the electoral college, she'd still win. There's more people over there than on the Eastern Shore. It is basic math. What you're talking about is Gerrymandering. What are you snowflakes whining about?

  10. Dave T: The constitution was designed by genius' to be run by idiots! Sounds like Maryland needs new electors.

  11. Sounds like if Maryland was to be fair to the voters, the voter's electoral collage votes should be apportioned by the number of votes each candidate gets. The Democrats would HATE that, no matter how fair it is. Nobody in the Maryland State House wants to talk about what's FAIR and equitable to the voters of Maryland. They only want to talk about what is fair for Baltimore. Baltimore is a city, not a state.

  12. the people who want this system changed were educated in government/public schools and institutions and have no clue why our founding fathers set our government up this way...we are a representative republic and there are very good reasons for this.

    so sad we have ignorant, uneducated, clueless citizens in large numbers.

  13. just those in new york & california need to vote. the rest of us can stay home


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