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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dem Rep Ellison: House Democrats Will Do Nothing But ‘Vote No’ Under Trump

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, widely considered a frontrunner to be the next Democratic National Committee chair, says House Democrats will do nothing but “vote no” in the coming years under the new Trump administration.

Ellison, who has faced questions over whether he can juggle both working in Congress and rebuilding a depleted Democratic Party, defended himself at a party meeting on Friday by suggesting that working as a Democratic congressman won’t require much effort.



  1. Remember that they called the Republicans "the party of No"!
    More hypocrisy at its finest!

  2. And it is up to the voters in his area to remove this dumb idiot out of office. So what this turd is saying, if it is good for his turf he will vote against it because President-Elect Trump has his fingerprint on it. What a ignorant joker you people put in office. Happy times are ahead, dumb ass can enjoy or mope.

  3. Nice to see the Democrats ßtill didn't learn from the election. Rather than do the job they were elected to do, they decide to do whatever they can to hurt the country.

  4. Keith Ellison is nothing but 100% racist. Obama probably loves him.

  5. Get used to it. Turnabout is fair play.

  6. get used to it?

    HIS voters better get used to it.
    Trump won 3000+ counties, she won 50 something. He thinks they have something to stand for and uphold.
    THAT is why they took the ace-whipping that they did. They have NOTHING but anger and victimhood, which may play great in D.C., but in the rest of America it's known as sissy BS.
    So, their 'leaders' are now saying that no matter what the merits of any idea, they will vote no?
    One word.
    Throw all the girlie boy sissy fits you like. Wring your hands in despair.
    We control the vertical. WE control the horizontal. And we mean business.
    Have fun alienating the rest of America, Ellison. Good work!

  7. Ellison is an Islamic radical. get used to it. his goal is to dismantle this country from within. He is one of the leaders of the DNC. He is a progressive. Understand what that means.

  8. No matter how many jobs something brings they will still vote no? Democrats refuse to believe that anyone but them could have a good idea. That attitude only proves how selfish and stupid they are.

  9. Not surprised. It's what the voters want. The republicans said the same thing and their voting base cheered, as will the democratic base. The two sides will agree on 1) funding the war machine and 2) expanding the surveillance state. Bring on the internet memes, it's how we govern nowadays.

  10. If my math is correct we don't need any democrat's vote. Stay off the tracks or you might get run over, choo-choo.

  11. 814 seems like he should be great friends with so many of you hypocrites on the right. Can the common sense folks please stand up and put an end to all of this lunacy from both sides?

  12. This clown is a Muslim Convert. Can someone please put him out of his misery!!

  13. highly recommend this is done as the DEMS will be voted out in 2 more years. President Trump and our newly elected officials will make America great again whether you like it or not!!!!

  14. Then Kick them out of congress....with Two Term Limits !!!

  15. Hekk. They been doing that since gop got control of the House & more so the more recent Senate.


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