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Wednesday, December 21, 2016



  1. Joe, you should do a follow up to that story you posted about a County Council member that doesn't attend many Council meetings. He was AWOL again at yesterday's council meeting.

  2. She got this country in a real mess doing her dirty deeds.

  3. Are any of the terrorist countries mad enough to come after her? Maybe they'll be mad enough to publicly demand a refund - which will blow the whistle on her schemes! Is her Secret Service detail still traipsing around after her? She needs to be held accountable for her misdeeds!

  4. I am sick of this criminal, but welcome any post of this nature. No I'm not cold, II just know how see feels about everyone other than The Clinton Crime Cartel. Eye for an eye, bring more photos like this on. Go ahead and make my day...said the man with the empty chair.

  5. I hope Hillary gets what should be coming to her, by dealing with criminals and terrorists.

  6. DANG! she says...now I have to stay home and bake cookies, play at being a grandma, and listen to Bill play his saxaphone.

  7. Hand her over to them !!!


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