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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Crime Solvers December 2016 Edition


  1. Tim "The Tool" Robinson. Come on Mike really. Lee Stevens for Sheriff.

  2. He never met a camera he didn't like!

  3. Ole Mikey starting to look a little worse for wear. Some bags under the eyes. Where do you special order extra short leather jackets?

  4. Sheriff David Clark for sheriff.....Lee Boy for Clarke's minion....Tim for what?

  5. Mike should have bags under his eyes. he man is just no good. All the traveling is wearing him out. Clark would get my vote.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ole Mikey starting to look a little worse for wear. Some bags under the eyes. Where do you special order extra short leather jackets?

    December 10, 2016 at 5:28 PM

    Bwahahaha! I was going to comment on those special order leather Bomber Jackets that aren't dress code. They are special order of special people like Little Mikey and Little Gary!

    Little Mikey has been the New Sheriff in town since 2006, that's 10 years now and I haven't seen that Helichopper or Stealth Jet yet! Just saying.

  7. Jon "Dru" Bragg for Sheriff and Miss for Chief Deputy.


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