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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Cop-Killer Dead After Grueling Standoff. Those Ready to Blame Police Should Hear This Witness First.

On Wednesday night, a domestic violence call in Tacoma, Washington, ended in tragedy.

As KIRO7 reports, the situation — which began at approximately 5:30 Wednesday afternoon — quickly turned dire after the male suspect, Bruce “Zeus” Johnson, opened fire on Tacoma Police Officer Reginald Jake Gutierrez soon after he'd stepped inside.

In the 11-hour standoff that followed, other officers braved Johnson's gunfire to pull the injured Gutierrez out of the home to safety, but the 45-year-old would sadly succumbed to his wounds just hours later.

Over those 11 hours, Johnson reportedly used two children — ages 8 and 11 — as human shields to protect himself, though they both ultimately emerged unharmed.

After negotiations failed, the standoff only came to an end when a police sniper shot Johnson in the head.



  1. Excellent, he asked for, he got it...No wasting of tax payers money.

  2. Send his family a bill for the bullet!

  3. Such a tragedy for the slain officer. I wish his family and fellow officers nothing but the very best and I hope that the killing of this cop killer helps to bring about some closure to all of those who were affected by this. RIP officer Gutierrez.


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