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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Conway to move to Washington, keep working for Trump

Donald Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway confirmed to Fox News on Tuesday that she’ll move with her family to Washington, D.C., to take a job in support of the president-elect – either inside or outside his administration.

“My family is going to move to Washington, D.C., and I will either stay outside and run the political super-structure, or I will go into the West Wing and take a position right next to the president,” Conway, who ran Trump’s campaign, told Fox News’ “Happening Now.”

“I just want to find my best and highest use,” she said.



  1. She will continue to be an asset to the Trump administration.

  2. She was an excellent choice from the start.

  3. OK people,get ready for the sparks to fly between her and Melania.As sure as my lazy butt is sitting in front of this computer they WILL NOT hit it off.


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