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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Coach Hal Chernoff Writes About His Main Street Gym Memories

Main St Gym spent over 20 years in the old Trailways bus garage on Main St. This week they tore it down. A lot of blood sweat and tears filled that place and not to mention some very good boxer and some that are now gone. Lots of good memories were there and we were truly one with the building,,,,If it was cold, we were cold. If it was hot, we were hot, If it rained we got wet. We now have a beautiful gym but only the old timers remember the grit it took to train in that old building. Many will never know, But I remember,,,,Down on Main St.


  1. Hal I remember your hard work. One of a kind Man!

  2. I remember the hard work in Parsonsburg just prior to Main st.

  3. anyone who knows hal,knows he is one helluva individual not only having the gym with a place for youngsters to enjoy ,but his own time and money he has donated to the community keep up the good work

  4. And I remember the old Trailways as the hub of a vibrant, peaceful and desireable destination for people up and down the East Coast.
    Well lit, clean, on time and filled with pleasant people
    It has been quite a long time.


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