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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Clinton spends twice as much as Trump in losing presidential bid

He may be a billionaire, but President-elect Donald Trump showed during the presidential race that he knows how to stretch a buck.

The Republican candidate and his backers spent only half that of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her supporters on the way to his Nov. 8 victory, according to media reports on campaign spending released Friday.

The Clinton campaign, Democratic Party and pro-Clinton expenditure committees and PACs spent a record $1.2 billion, twice as much as the $600 million laid out by the Trump camp, Republicans and pro-Trump groups, the New York Post reported.

The latest Federal Election Commission figures back Mr. Trump’s assertion six months ago that there was no need for him to amass at least $1 billion to run a successful race against the former Secretary of State, given the former reality television star’s ability to draw free media.

“There’s no reason to raise that,” Mr. Trump told Bloomberg in June. “I just don’t think I need nearly as much money as other people need because I get so much publicity. I get so many invitations to be on television. I get so many interviews, if I want them.”



  1. For being so broke, she sure did spend a lot of money, but then the money wasn't hers, was it.

  2. Let her sleep. We have had this mess of a subject thrown in our face all of our lives. Let her hide in a safe place (bars), tired of seeing and hearing about the trash. I want to he the sound of her and the others going down the drain as the swamp cleanses.

  3. 'Dead Broke' as I recall

  4. Hillary, the Billion dollar loser.

  5. Just PROVES you can't BUY everybody (us Voters) !!!!!

    we unlike the politicians Can't be bought ....see Ya !!


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