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Friday, December 23, 2016

Chicago Mayor Forced to Release Almost 3,000 Pages of Emails

A settlement that the Better Government Association and Chicago Tribune reached with the city, has forced Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, to release almost 3,000 pages of emails out of his personal account.

This move was part of the settlement which bans 30,000 city workers from having private email accounts while on the job. Any emails that are work related must be now forwarded to a work account to be archived.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has released nearly 3,000 pages of emails from his personal account on Wednesday.

After the release, Emanuel’s private email account will be reviewed every three months as part of the settlement and any messages that reference city affairs will be saved and made available to the public.



  1. I hope they get the dirt on this POS..another useless useful idiot.

  2. You want to talk about a corrupt, evil, dirt bag...this guy is at the top!

  3. 6:43 That's why he worked for Obama.


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