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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Caddell: 'Grace, That's What's Missing' as Obamas Prepare to Leave White House

Political pollster and analyst Pat Caddell told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Monday that, concerning the Obamas leaving the White House, “We are watching this ending here. It’s not quite as bad as the Clintons … but the lack of grace, that’s what’s missing here.”

Caddell’s remarks came after hearing Michelle Obama’s now infamous comments to Oprah Winfrey:

The First Lady was asked by Oprah Winfrey whether she thinks that her husband’s administration had achieved his promise of hope for America.

“Yes. I do,” she said. “Because we feel the difference now. See, now, we are feeling what not having hope feels like. You know. Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept and Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes. He and I and so many believe, what else do you have when you do not have hope?”



  1. I'm very hopeful that history has little to say about the Presidency years 2008-2016.

    Because there will be plenty about CLINTON and nothing GOOD!


  2. Blah, blah, blah, get to packing.

  3. Can't wait for them to move their butts out.

  4. A of journalistic space.. NEITHER of these "females" is worth the time I wasted reading it.

  5. Obama can take his yellow streak with him

  6. 249
    Except they are both MALES!

    Go Oregon State Beavers!
    (Michael Robinson)

  7. I will never have the respect for
    Opra that I once had.
    Ms Obamas remark should have
    been censored.
    She doesn't know what Grace is!

  8. It is nice to have hope. However putting forth actual effort and work will help quite a bit more rather than sitting on the couch and hoping for something to happen.


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