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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Black suspects more likely to be shot by black cops, not white officers

Despite an intense national focus on high-profile police shootings involving white officers and black men, a new study shows that white officers are not statistically more likely to shoot and kill a black suspect.

Among a sample of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, the study found that the odds of a black suspect being killed by a black police officer were consistently greater than the odds of a black suspect getting killed by a white officer.

“When either the violent crime rate or the demographics of a city are accounted for, we find that white police officers are not significantly more likely to kill a black suspect,” wrote co-authors John R. Lott Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody of the Crime Prevention Research Center.

The study found that among the sample of those killed by the police, 45 percent were white, 25 percent were black, and 16 percent were Hispanic.

“White officers are significantly less likely than black officers to kill black suspects, and they are not statistically significantly different from Hispanic, other race, and unknown race police officers,” the study said, excepting one model where Hispanic officers were marginally more likely to kill black suspects.



  1. Those numbers reflect perceived threat, regardless of officer color. Secondly, they also reflect encounters in places where black populations are virtually 100%.
    The Left will undoubtedly find racism in them, but they're based on historical probability of threat of harm, without considering the color of the officers. The racist assessment ignores all other facets, and is thereby terribly flawed, feeding into today's sensationalism and apparent aims at polarization.

  2. Is this supposed to make it okay?

  3. It doesn't make it okay, but it deflates the racist-baiting "news" tailored never to underlying causes and solutions to crime, but to putting blame. Obama had eight years to make a difference in this, but squandered them all to advance his campaign of race division to promote an agenda whose tenets make us all less instead of more.

  4. does it really matter?

  5. Well Only the Whites are mentioned in the news <<< Fact

    Whatever the Black ones do is Covered up .......

  6. White people are shot by cops more than blacks are quit your crying.


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