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Friday, December 16, 2016

Barbara Walters Says ABC Has ‘Ruined’ Legacy of ‘The View’

Veteran journalist Barbara Walters feels ABC News executives have tarnished the legacy of “The View” and fears the daytime talk show will be remembered for its backstage catfights and constantly rotating lineup of hosts.

Walters “feels they’ve ruined the franchise that she and Bill Geddie built,” Page Sixreported Saturday, citing a source.

“Instead of focusing on smart, educated women with strong talent, they cast uninformed child actors on the show,” a source told the New York-based outlet. “The legacy has been compromised because of poor casting and bad leadership under ABC News.”



  1. It's another case of ABC squandering an opportunity to air intelligent conversation in favor of ratings from an easily forgettable product.

  2. Their conversations are biased are and pro-left wing liberals. They do have a republican on occasions and they lie through their teeth. They are very racist
    mostly because of Whoopie or whoever the hell she is called. Certainly they are entitled to an opinion , but trying to brainwash is not acceptable.
    If you've noticed , they are all female , need I say more?

  3. Left wing idiot fodder. Whoopie, Joy, Raven? You attract flies with that and flies don't watch TV.

  4. I don't think it was solely the network...the liberal bloviating bimbos had a great contribution to its downfall!

  5. Ah, but who hired those liberal bimbos?

  6. Well if you cast the opposite of "smart and educated" you are going to get a bunch of morons who sit around and say things for ratings. (which isn't even working)

  7. Whoopie hates White people. I honestly never thought she was such a hateful person in the 1980s when she became so popular. Now she is a blm terrorist that will say anything hateful.... stop the hate love everyone

  8. How can something be ruined if it was terrible to begin with?

  9. Really! Joy and Whoopie ruined the show and Barbara was the mastermind behind the liberal trash they call a show..and they ran off any conservative that every hosted.And they are supposed to be so open minded..ha.

  10. Never did like the show because of Whoopie and Joy both have big mouths and never listened to any other hosts' opinions just their own. If they did not like you for any reason no matter how petty the hosts disappeared. Plus show was always "BORING".

  11. All it is since she left is a Black Racist show that
    only their kind like to watch......

    May as well CANCEL it.....Not watching it anymore

  12. You can't believe a thing Whoopi says, she is a liar. She said she would leave the country and we are still waiting.

    1. I'll buy her plane ticket if joy goes with her!!


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