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Thursday, December 08, 2016

Attorneys challenge park service over inauguration protests

WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Park Service is quashing dissent by blocking access to public space for those who want to demonstrate before, during and after President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, Washington civil rights attorneys said Wednesday.

Attorney Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund — who has successfully litigated on behalf of protesters in Washington for more than a decade — threatened legal action against the park service if it does not rescind a permit the agency itself took out to block groups from using land around the White House and the National Mall for demonstrations.

The park service historically reserves space for use by the Presidential Inaugural Committee, but Verheyden-Hilliard said the denial of protest permits has gone too far this time and is unconstitutional.

“This is public land. This land belongs to all of us. The park service’s role is only to act as a neutral administrator and steward of public land,” she said. “They have done a massive land grab to the detriment of all those who want to engage in free speech activities.”



  1. The intolerance of the left...Fascism at it's finest.

  2. When the leftist/progressives have openly advocated disruption of the inauguration amidst the environment of ISIS threats, certain security precautions are perfectly reasonable.

  3. 2:40 If the roles were reversed and Hillary was blocking access to public space I bet you would be pissed.
    Everyone has the right to PEACEFULLY assemble.

  4. Stated they are "Stewards of Public Land", then they are being good stewards by not allowing these immature people litter and destroy public land. Millions of tax dollars will have to be used to correct the damage and clean up the litter.

  5. Didn't the current potus close a lot of these areas when he didn't get his way? kept the honor flights from visiting?

  6. 4:43 PM: I don't know where you have been but Hillary and Democrats did block access to public space when an eight foot high, four-mile, no-scale fence was erected around the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, to keep out supporters of Bernie Sanders.


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