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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Articles: Watching the Fakestream Break Down

I never thought I'd see the day when U.S. political elites went stark raving mad. But this is what Hillary Clinton told her big money donors recently.

HILLARY: Vladimir Putin himself directed the covert cyber-attacks against our electoral system, against our democracy, apparently because he has a personal beef against me. Putin publicly blamed me for the outpouring of outrage by his own people. And that is the direct line between what he said back then and what he did in this election. This is not just an attack against me and my campaign, although that may have added fuel to it. This is an attack against our country. We are well beyond normal political concerns here. This is about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our nation.

This is such a blatant pack of lies that no informed person believes it. Contrary to the despicable New York Times and WaPo, which lent themselves to this farce, the CIA does not have video cameras in the Kremlin to watch Vladimir Putin‚ "himself directing the covert cyber-attacks against our electoral system."

Putin responded by calling Hillary's story "indecent," and he is right. Somehow, after eight years of Obama, the United States has lost the moral high ground, and Vladimir Putin is beating us – not by military power, but by moral honesty. This is an embarrassment.

What did Hillary actually mean – if anything – by saying‚"Putin publicly blamed me for the outpouring of outrage by his own people"? What is she talking about? This sounds like a phony script whipped up by Bill, Obama, and John Podesta in a five-minute phone call. It doesn't pass the smell test, and the world knows it.



  1. It was suspected that she would erode U.S.-Russia relations and perhaps lead us to war if elected, all in the name of Globalism and, as always, personal power and profit.

    It looks like she just can't let go, even though where the world is concerned, she's already gone.

  2. They need to lock her up just to shut her up!

  3. I'd like to understand just what her sources are for these statements and if she has any proof. I doubt the CIA let her have a peek at their report beyond what's been leaked. Hopefully her donors are asking the same thing.

  4. Hillary continues to lie and turn attention away from her embarrassing loss to someone like Donald Trump! Brrraaahhh ha ha ha...

  5. Get real. Putin is incredibly popular in Russia. Normal people are proud of their national heritage not shamed by their own government stooges like the U.S. Sheeple.

  6. Putin had nothing to do with our election, Julius Assange did, along with many Washington insiders and hackers who were just plain disgusted with the demented minds and actions of the Clintons, Podesta, and that freak island they all went to.

    Even though Putin, along with many other leaders over there are probably sick of Hillary's crop over the last many years and just plain didn't want to deal with her as POTUS, probably helped Assange all he could!


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