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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Amazon Launched Cashier Free Convenience Store

No lines, no registers, no self-checkout machines

Amazon just unveiled a grocery store without lines or checkout counters. Amazon Go, a 1800-square-foot retail space located in the company’s hometown of Seattle, lets shoppers just grab the items they want and leave; the order gets charged to their Amazon account afterwards.

Amazon Go works by using computer vision and sensors to detect what items you’re taking out of the store. You start by scanning an app as you enter the Amazon Go shop. You do your normal shopping, and the sensors throughout the store identify the items in your cart and charge them to your account when you walk out the door. It’ll feel like shoplifting, except you’re actually being watched by more cameras than you can imagine.



  1. Don't like the idea at all. We are already being watch too much by the government. All this will do is take jobs away from people just trying to make a living.

  2. Doubt that you get past the bay bridge too often so I'm pretty sure you wont be alive by the time something like this ever makes it to Salisbury.


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