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Thursday, December 08, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Ongoing media bias and 'fake news'


The proof is in the pudding- in this case, Kool-Aid.

On my CNBC daily feed this morning, I’ve copied below what the disbelievers are feeding us. They are in complete denial of facts. On Election Day the Dow opened at 18,251 points. Yesterday it closed at another new record, 19,251 – a gain of exactly 1,000 points! That equates to a gain of a whopping 5%!!! If we get that kind of gain each month, that would be a 60% gain for a year. Not too shabby, right. We’re lucky to get 10% each year, when the averages are usually less than 8%. So, when CNBC (part of NBC and sister to MSNBC) states “The gains have not been spectacular…”, what the Hell are they drinking? Obviously their own Kool-Aid concoction. They can’t even report obvious facts and feel the need to distort them with quotes like that. So, who is the real distributor of “Fake News”? If that’s not ‘fake news’, what is?

Here’s the excerpt from the CNBC daily briefing: (your readers can make their own conclusions)

The gains haven't been spectacular, but Wall Street's major averages continue to advance. The Dow and the Russell 2000 are coming off record closes, while the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq have been up for three-straight sessions. (CNBC) 

The Dow is up in 17 of 21 sessions, but it has not registered a triple-digit gain since Nov. 10. Since then, the biggest daily gain for the Dow has been just under 0.5 percent on Nov. 21 (88 points), and most of the gains have been smaller than that. (CNBC)

Seriously?? If that’s not spectacular, what is?


  1. I will tell you what it is:

    A Fraud. A complete manipulation by the big banks who create credit out of thin air.
    Watch out. Stay clear of this gambling Casino called Wall Street. The stock market is no place for you to have your wealth.

    My opinion, of course.

    Thank you

  2. Agree totally have investments that have lost money for the last 4 years.


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